Monday, January 31, 2011

So I tried snowboarding this weekend....

Holy crap was it harder than I thought! I've skied before and never had a problem controlling myself down the mountain but snowboarding was a different story. My friends and I decided to hit the bunny slope first so that we could get used to our boards. It wasn't so bad at first....I was just getting tired of running over little children. Once down the bunny hill, my friend and I shared a ski lift up to the higher slopes. We were getting to the top, so we started preparing ourselves to jump off the lift. My board touched the snow, and I stood up and allowed the lift to push me off. Little did I know, my friend's board was tangled with mine. My friend decided to then hang onto the lift that was still moving, while I let go and hit the snow hard and broke my tailbone and got a concussion. (Okay, I'm exaggerating) but it hurt like hell. My friend lets go of the lift and falls on top of me. Ignoring the pain, we can't stop laughing. Once I stopped seeing stars, I hoisted myself up onto my board, only to see another ski lift coming straight for my face. It hit me. Down for the count once again. I lost my snowboard. That concussion is worsening. Yeah, there were about 20 people watching this all happen but no one laughed which surprised me. Their reactions were more along the lines of "WTF??" which made me feel even dumber. Haha oh well. Once I thought the worst was over, I started the ride down the hill. I had to stop every 10 feet because I kept drifting towards the sides where I would fall down a ditch. And by stopping, I mean tumbling. I didn't know how to stop yet so I resorted to taking diggers. At this point, my whole body is throbbing and I have no idea how I am going to make it down this mountain in one piece. So I slid on my butt. Sometimes using my snowboard as a sled. 2 foot tall babies were flying past me but I didn't care. I knew that mountain and everyone else on it OWNED me from the first step of the ski lift. I mean the first thunderclap onto the snow. I'm coming back for you Loon Mountain!


  1. Ouch! It sounds like a horrible sport!!!

  2. I had a similar experience a few weeks ago! I've been on a snowboard a few times before, but it's been years so when I decided to go a few weeks ago, it was bad. I was so sore the next day. I made sure that when I went though it was a slow time so that everyone wouldn't see all the falling I did. :)

  3. Morgs, you kill me. Between this story and your "wal-mart greeter" comment, I think I may appoint you the funniest person I know. You are reason number 907818208 why I will NEVER try snowboarding :) You sound so graceful!

  4. this story is amazing! So funny, Learning is great though because you have no standards to meet. I gotta say though the best part though is making a fool out of yourself, and it adds great details to an epic adventure.

  5. Snowboarding is so hard! It's good for funny stories though. :)

  6. HAHA believe it or not, I've been in the US for 6 years and never tried snowboarding lol. It's kinda scary goin on top on a mountain and run down 60mph!! lol idk

    Sounds like you had fun though =D

  7. I'm terrified of skiing...the only time I have ever gone was YEARS ago when I was a Junior girl scout...I screamed all the way down a bunny hill and grabbed onto a friend, taking her down with me. NEVER AGAIN

  8. Weirdness. I remembered leaving a comment about this, but it didn't show up for some weird reason. Anyways, here I go...

    I did experience something close to that. Try to learn how to roller blade and skate without padding. I was falling all over the place. I looked like the most uncoordinated person in the face of the world. Some people laughed, but they stopped as soon as I kept trying. they learned to respect my efforts to keep trying.

    If snowboarding is something you want to learn how to do, ignore the smiley-faced mofos when you fall, get back up, and do it again until you get it right.

    P.S. I never learned how to roller blade/skate. I suck THAT bad. :P

  9. Ahh! I am sooo excited to put my snow boots away and bring out the flops and shorts! :)
