Monday, August 15, 2011

What am I doing with my life?

Why can't I figure out what I want to be when I grow up? People ask me what I want to do now that I have graduated from college but I literally have NO IDEA. It's amazing isn't it? I'm sure others have been in my boat before but this is pretty bad when I'm bouncing around in jobs because I can't find anything I like. Also, I have received numerous offers for sales positions. I do not like sales and never will like sales. I'm in sales marketing right now and I want to punch the job in its face! At least I know I will never be a saleswoman. There's one I don't have to consider onto the next 5 million options.
Justin Timberlake - just come marry me already!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Black Swan Movie Review

            I thought I knew what I was getting into, but I really didn’t. Are we sure that Quentin Tarantino didn’t direct this movie? Or even the makers of Saw? Or are all filmmakers really that screwed up? For what it’s worth, this movie kept my attention from beginning to end. It’s just another one of those “Ew that’s GROSS! But I’m going to look at it anyway” type films. From the cracked toenails, the peeling of the skin, the awkward masturbation scenes that make you regret the idea of having a movie night with your mother. I can’t say that I wasn’t entertained with shock.
            It will be hard to look at Swan Lake the same ever again. I might go to the next showing of the ballet just to see if the swan’s eyes turn red and at the end maybe she will...Never mind, that will give away the ending.
            I can’t say enough about Natalie Portman’s role as Nina. She is a woman with a sweet face, but knows how to turn on her inner devil. And Mila Kunis is just drop dead beautiful who I’m sure boosted the film’s ratings after people found out her and Portman have a love scene. Shocker.
            The movie was full of hallucinations and twists and turns, but I must say it was easy to follow. Predictable, but I didn’t care. Sometimes, I was too engulfed in the cinematography to even pay attention to the story. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Just Add Water News Release

Morgan B. Barry


            We are pleased to announce that numerous grocery stores throughout New England have agreed to put “Just Add Water” on their shelves. These locations include Shaw’s and Market Basket in all of Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. It will be next to the organic sections in the black and orange boxes. We are excited to share our products with the public considering our samples were such a hit. We feel confident that it will be a success and will improve the health of many. No more fast food when you do not have enough time to make a healthy meal. We are here to help.

We are hoping to expand all across the nation

Monday, March 7, 2011

Just Add Water!

"Just Add Water" foods. Are you tired of not having enough time to make yourself a healthy meal? No more Spaghettio's. These meals contain all the nutrients that your body needs, and you only need to add water! It comes in a powder form, add one cup of water, put it in the oven for 5 minutes and you get your chicken and potatoes. Other meals include turkey, haddock, and pizza; all accompanied by a healthy vegetable.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jumping Through Hoops


This is my micro-fiction story based on a painting by Lisa Rae Winant for my Media Writing class

 Jumping Through Hoops

            My husband died four years ago. I don’t like to talk about it much, but I sure do wish he were still here. He was the outspoken one, always taking care of the rest of the family as much as he could. I was quiet and went along with whatever. I’ve never been very talkative or involved as much as he was, but I promised him I would take over his role while he sat there in the hospital bed, moments before his last breath.
            I still live in the house he built and would never let me sell. It is my responsibility to maintain the four-bedroom house, the garden in the backyard, as well as our four cats and two huskies. These are stressful tasks for a 70 year old with Scoliosis and Arthritis, but I do it anyway because that is what he would want.
            On top of it all, our family who has been dependent on my husband for so long has now shifted to me. I am the one to take care of my 15-month-old great grandson on weeknights while my granddaughter can finish night school because she is a single mother and broke. I am the one to pay my 44-year-old son’s phone and cable bills because he can’t keep a job to pay for anything other than rent. He can’t hold a job. I should invite him to move in with me although I wouldn’t be able to take the partying. 44 years old and has accomplished nothing. Maybe I should have been a more involved mother. My husband never saw a problem helping everyone out, and has engrained the same opinion in my mind.
            Yesterday, my daughter and her third husband came over and told me they needed money because they both lost their jobs at the same chain restaurant. I barely had any money for myself. There was a chest under my bed with emergency money in it, so I decided to tap into it because my husband would believe that this sure was an emergency. I took out the $200 I had, and gave it to them. I didn’t tell them that was the only money I had left.
            My family expects me to jump through hoops for them. Although it is stressful and taking its toll on me, it is something I have to do. I will do this for as long as I can until I run myself into the ground alongside my dead husband.

Monday, January 31, 2011

So I tried snowboarding this weekend....

Holy crap was it harder than I thought! I've skied before and never had a problem controlling myself down the mountain but snowboarding was a different story. My friends and I decided to hit the bunny slope first so that we could get used to our boards. It wasn't so bad at first....I was just getting tired of running over little children. Once down the bunny hill, my friend and I shared a ski lift up to the higher slopes. We were getting to the top, so we started preparing ourselves to jump off the lift. My board touched the snow, and I stood up and allowed the lift to push me off. Little did I know, my friend's board was tangled with mine. My friend decided to then hang onto the lift that was still moving, while I let go and hit the snow hard and broke my tailbone and got a concussion. (Okay, I'm exaggerating) but it hurt like hell. My friend lets go of the lift and falls on top of me. Ignoring the pain, we can't stop laughing. Once I stopped seeing stars, I hoisted myself up onto my board, only to see another ski lift coming straight for my face. It hit me. Down for the count once again. I lost my snowboard. That concussion is worsening. Yeah, there were about 20 people watching this all happen but no one laughed which surprised me. Their reactions were more along the lines of "WTF??" which made me feel even dumber. Haha oh well. Once I thought the worst was over, I started the ride down the hill. I had to stop every 10 feet because I kept drifting towards the sides where I would fall down a ditch. And by stopping, I mean tumbling. I didn't know how to stop yet so I resorted to taking diggers. At this point, my whole body is throbbing and I have no idea how I am going to make it down this mountain in one piece. So I slid on my butt. Sometimes using my snowboard as a sled. 2 foot tall babies were flying past me but I didn't care. I knew that mountain and everyone else on it OWNED me from the first step of the ski lift. I mean the first thunderclap onto the snow. I'm coming back for you Loon Mountain!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First day of my LAST semester of school EVER!

Finally! The home stretch! Approximately 15 weeks until I start a new chapter in my life. Surprised to make it this far considering school has never been my favorite, but I am proud! People say College is the best part of life and sometimes I feel like they're right, but right now, I am ignoring this fact and am more excited than ever to move on!